Poker Stars Avatars

Someone should make a avatar that all the members can use when we play on Stars. I think it would be cool. Incorporate a maple leaf, the web address, and maybe some chips or cards if there is room. Basically, just make it look cool! It would advertise the site and it would make it easier to spot fellow members. What do you guys think?


  • I just changed my recently, and pokerstars staff said to make sure, because my next change would be my last. They also told me I couldnt have cards in the avatar as well.
  • the_main wrote:
    I just changed my recently, and pokerstars staff said to make sure, because my next change would be my last. They also told me I couldnt have cards in the avatar as well.

    I have cards in mine.... also, all we really need is a mapleleaf and the forum address anyways.

    And here's a trick, if you email support and use some tact, they will usually set your account for one more avatar change. They've done it for me twice.
  • Great idea! Perhaps a couple of the more techy guys here could experiment a bit and see what we can get. Of course, as long as Sloth didn't have a problem with it...I believe Mickyholdem and DJW are fairly techy (smarter then me :) )

  • But if we advertise the name too much, our forum tourneys might end up getting sandbagged by a bunch of rounders. lol
  • I could make something easy enough...

    I'll post a image or two soon and see what ya all think
  • Well, after some consideration, maybe we shouldn't have the web address in it. I do like the community feeling this forum has now and I wouldn't want that ruined. In my opinion though, the more people we have the better. They would all be canadians anyways, and this forum is moderated, so not much to worry about. Also our tournaments would probably be a little bigger which means more money to be won :P

    Anyways, either or. it doesn't matter. It would just be cool to have a symbol for this forum, something we can all recognize, and something people will be seeing a lot of at final tables :P
  • Not too shabby. I like the 3D leaf in that one.
  • I like it. I tested it out in the stars software and it looks good. I had to copy it into paint first so I could center it, though. Do you guys want to go with this one? Or should we wait for some other submissions?
  • While I think it's a great idea, and love the example that has been created, I think I'll stay with my current PokerStars avatar, at least for the time being.

    As some of you know, the picture I use is a picture of my late son Liam, so I'm sure you will understand if I like to keep his picture prominently displayed, in just about everything I do (ie. my AOL IM username is DadToLiam).

    My only concern is not being able to change it back to Liam's picture at a future date.

  • moments wrote:
    Well, after some consideration, maybe we shouldn't have the web address in it.

    Just take out the '.ca' from the logo. Most of the 'people' we don't want around here are too stupid to figure out the maple leaf bit...

    Nice logo, BTW. Excellent work!
  • Mcabb:

    Stars support is pretty good if you where to make a special quest and email their support I'd almost guarantee they could change it back for you at a later date...

    I know a guy on stars support and he's done it for me and a friend...
  • A very sexy avatar is in the works. This guy has made some really awesome avatars and he actually agreed to help me when I asked him. Stay tuned, I think we got really lucky on this one.
  • It's a bit soon with the holidays recently passed but how is the sexy avatar going?

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