Watching NL Cash Games

Hi all,

I have been watching some NL cash games on 2 sites now. Well 3 actually. Party Poker, Paradise Poker, and Ultimatebet. I have also read an article that was in CPP about NL cash games taking over the internet poker scene. Having watched these games now for a couple days I see the tables constantly full. I watch people bluff there money off, call big bets too gut shot straight draws. I watch people slaughter the game for craps sakes. What I am thinking is this. If a person really studied into there NL game, really got good at it... they could make a killing off of NL cash games on the internet... especially at Party Poker where the fish flock to those tables like there is no tommorow.

I dont know, do you all agree.

I know that there are already a couple online players out there making a killing off of online NL cash games. One such that comes too mind, his real name is Prahlad Friedman and he plays at Ultimatebet. He was known for last year pulling in about 500K USD off of the NL cash games at UB. He is also a winner of a 2003 WSOP bracelet in a NL Holdem Tournament.

I mean if he can do it there has to be opportunity there, right? If you get really good at your NL game, there should be potential there for HUGE earnings I would think.... correct me if I am wrong.

Just my 2 cents

Looking forward to all responses...


  • I find your post interesting because you seem to have the initial assumption that NL games are inherently unprofitable..

    Poker is poker. Good players will take the money from bad ones just like at limit. The difference between the games comes from your own playing style. Some players flourish at NL and suck at Limit and vice versa.

    Also, I really enjoyed this statement..
    He was known for last year pulling in about 500K USD off of the NL cash games at UB. He is also a winner of a 2003 WSOP bracelet in a NL Holdem Tournament.

    I mean if he can do it there has to be opportunity there, right?

    You kinda implied that if someone 'as bad' as a Prahlad can beat a cash game, then ANYONE can ;)

    Anyway, try it out. You may find its your game or you may find you suck. Only play will tell. No reason to fear experimenting unless you are on a severly limited bankroll.
  • Anyone no who twin caracas is ,he consistently cleans up the 5-10nl on stars
  • Dennis: BBCZ is correct. Good players will make money off of bad players at any game. You really have to find the game that is comfortable to you, and that fits your bankroll. Play at that level, track your results, and see how you do over a long sampling period.

    The bottom line: play where you are comfortable and get your best results, and you have a good chance of being a successful player.
  • I play NL exclusivley. The pace hooked me, and I tend to do fine. I almost never play limit intentionally, but every now and then I'll accidentally join a limit SNG or something and usually do well in them as well (with almost no limit experience).

    Sometimes I wonder if I should switch to Limit since my track record is so good in it, but the excitement of NL is what keeps me coming back.

    I find the play VERY different site-to-site. UB is particularly loose and the pots get pretty big (I think in large part due to everyone using the convenient 'bet pot' button). If you like to see cheap flops, Stars is your place. It really depends on your own playing style.
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