The End. And Begining.

Hey guys, my name is Chris and I'm from BC. This is my first post! :D

I just finshed a marathon mtt in 24th place. I don't want to complain or whine too much on my first post, but this was cruelest end to a tournament I've ever had... although It was still a pretty interesting and exciting four hours.

During the first hour the only decent hands I got were AQs (twice) qq, and 44. Somehow I managed to turn my initial 3k into 7k with these 4 hands. (Great flops and good action.) Over the second hour I did well and increased my stack suffciently.

However, when the tourney progressed into the final stages (right around the bubble which was 63rd place) I ran into some very bad luck. The worst case was when I got aces UTG so I decided to limp and hope for a raise. Sure enough there is a 3X the BB raise from MP and then the BB called. At this point I shove my chips all-in hoping to force one or both of them to fold. They both call! It''s AA vs KK vs AK and I literally jump out of my chair thinking that my patience will pay me off yet again!... but the dreaded K hit's the flop and I quickly sit back down grumbling to my roomate about the one card I feared hitting the flop.

I then lose another big chunk of my stack about ten hands later AK all-in against A2.

It really sucks to build a stack up slowly, only to finally get those premium hands we all crave, and watch them get cracked. I was the big stack challenging smaller stacks, going in both times as a huge favorite and watched my chip stack basically vanish in 5 minutes.

However, the light at the end of the tunnel is that i didn't tilt away the last few chips. I hung around on the bubble and made it into the money. I didn't play desperate and eventually tripled up with JJ. Not only did I make the money but I managed to move up 3 more money spots.

Good luck all! Nice forum! And may the Canadians win all the chips!


  • Congrats and welcome to the forum...may your premium hands hold up in the future.
  • Welcome to the forum! I look forward to reading your posts in the future.

  • Great first post. Glad to have you here. We feel your pain. lol
  • Welcome to the forum.

    Let me throw this at you...would you rather have your good hands get cracked, knowing you got your money in with the best of it, or would you rather find yourself in the top 10 with 40 or 50 players remaining only to get cards so cold they'd make the hangman shudder? IMHO, there is *nothing* worse than being in prime position and then basically get rags for an hour straight. And I mean rags...nothing remotely you watch your stack dwindle slowly but surely...
    I'm not saying your aces getting cracked wasn't horrible - it certainly was a very bad beat - but at least you had HOPE with the's all personal preference, but me, I'd rather go down swinging than watch a called 3rd strike zing past.
  • Reading your post brings back painful memories. I'm sure we have all had those kinds of bad beats. Even though you lost that hand, though, you came through in the $$$. Nice playing indeed.

    Nice post. Good read. Welcome.
  • Hi there Moments... welcome to the boards.

    Yeah it sucks. Every single time I sit and be patient, build up a stack with solid play and then watch it get disimated by suck outs... well it hurts. Every single time, and I think it does for everyone. Look at the bright side of things though, at least you finished in the money, right? :)

    I was wondering, was this game online... and if so what site was it at? Thanks for the responses in advance man and I look forward too reading your responses.
  • hey welcome to the forums, hope u find them as helpful as most others do

    where abouts are you in bc?
  • Dennis187 wrote:
    Hi there Moments... welcome to the boards.

    Yeah it sucks. Every single time I sit and be patient, build up a stack with solid play and then watch it get disimated by suck outs... well it hurts. Every single time, and I think it does for everyone. Look at the bright side of things though, at least you finished in the money, right? :)

    I was wondering, was this game online... and if so what site was it at? Thanks for the responses in advance man and I look forward too reading your responses.

    Yes, I was playing online... Poker Stars is where the tragedy unfolded. Oh well, it was still a lot of fun. I just happened to post shortly afterwards so my mood wasn't the best. I really love this game and I love Poker Stars.

    Also, Pigga, I live in Coquitlam. (Vancouver)
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