Strange email received from Poker Party/ts@pay-pro

I received this email after my first ever deposit to poker party. Anyone else get this and if so did they respond. I don't want to be harrassed by telemarketers or email. They also have a phone number I am to call, but I removed it from the email

Thanks for the input


Dear Jay,

We need to speak to you in order to validate your account.

Please call us back from the number registered on your poker account. This
will enable us to serve you better in protecting your account information.

If you would prefer we contact you, please reply to this Email with a
convenient time for us to call.

If we do not hear from you, your poker account will be temporarily put on
hold to ensure your online safety until we are able to speak to you.

Looking forward to hearing from you!

Credit Team


  • standard user protection bullshit. They wanna make sure you are who you say you are. Its good to know they are doing security checks. Neteller did the same thing there when I opened an account..
  • I never called them and they never put my acct on hold but maybe they might to your i dunno.
  • When I first put money into my party poker account I got a phone call from them 5 minutes later confirming who I was and did I just put money into their site.
  • I got one of those when I opened an account at pokernow.. The skin was so new that party didnt realise they were two seperate accounts.. 3 minutes on the phone and now my cashouts process in like 12 hours.
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