Interesting hand

So Friday night I was bored and decided to enter a $5 Freezeout tournament with a Guarenteed $2600 payout for fun. 718 People sign-up 60 get paid. Blinds are at 750-1500 and I'm sitting in early position with 5000 TC. There are 63 people left in the tournment. I look down at 78s and decide I don't care about the bubble and the $15 I'll get if I just sit back and blind out, I want to win this thing, so I raise to 3000 to see if I can get some multi way action. Middle position re-raises to 6000 and button calls. MP had 40,000TC, Button has 30,000TC. I think for a split-second and decide I have to try and triple up here so I call.

Flop comes 8d, 8h, Ac.

I'm exstatic that I flopped my set, not what I expected but was laughing. MP then bets out 6000 at the flop trying to Isolate me, BB then pushes all in and I'm thinking WTF, He's got AA and I'm screwed. MP calls the all in with AK. BB shows AA and I of course show my 78s. Turn comes Js then BAM I hit my one outer and spike the 8c on the River to beat the button's Ace's Full.

When I pushed with 78s I was hoping for a straight or a flush and instead spiked quads.

After tripling up I built my stack up to the chip lead of about 80,000TC, I got chopped in half when my Trips lost to a full House just before the final table. I went into the final table with 40,000 Chips in 5th Chip position. When the Final table commences the chip leader asks me if I was the one who cracked his Ace's earlier and I said yah. He then said "I'm glad you didn't waste the money." and we wished each other good luck.

My cards went cold and I made a few stabs at pots with mediocre cards and had to fold when I got played back at. Ended up going out when blinds were 5000/10000 and I was in the BB with K-9s. I had one caller and I 12000TC left so I pushed in. He called and flipped A-3. Neither of us improved and I busted out to a A high. Still banked $100 for a $5 entry fee though. In hindight I should have just checked and and saw what the flop brought, but it was 3am and I'd been playing for 8 hours so wasn't at the top of my game. 4 hours of Ring/Sit&Go and 4 hours in this Tourney.
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