OMG I Made Another Final Table!



  • coming in 9/9 in the stars $25K GTD

    FML I was in 2nd with 11 left and then played this retarded hand...guy had been 3betting like crazy, etc is he doing on the flop/river ...and how bad is my river call lol:
    Poker hand played on PokerStars with a pot size of $491,760 -

    EDIT: realize that to most this call looks really bad but a lot of it had to do with his river bet sizing which was really different from previous hands he had played (usually AT LEAST 1/2POT on river to almost pot).
  • 7th for $930
  • Meh, idk. Bet sizing is def weird for a V-bet so I think villain is turning whatever he had into a bluff.

    Obv you hit the top end of his bluff range. That said, doubt I call there.

    GG tho.
  • coming in 3/9 in the $11 KO cARPSHOOT, 1700 cheeseburgers for first
  • go go go
  • jdAA88 wrote: »
    coming in 3/9 in the $11 KO cARPSHOOT, 1700 cheeseburgers for first

    FUUUUUUUUUUUU I cant open my client from here. Pleased to be posting live update sweats. K thanks.

    Tuesday night cheeseburgers, ftw.
  • Full Tilt Poker Game #19323513301: $10 + $1 Knockout (146956669), Table 77 - 20000/40000 Ante 5000 - No Limit Hold'em - 23:24:43 ET - 2010/03/16
    Seat 1: Jogador (623,660)
    Seat 5: tthatsme27 (862,500)
    Seat 7: scrappy820 (426,773)
    Seat 9: julesdAA (886,067)
    Jogador antes 5,000
    tthatsme27 antes 5,000
    scrappy820 antes 5,000
    julesdAA antes 5,000
    scrappy820 posts the small blind of 20,000
    julesdAA posts the big blind of 40,000
    The button is in seat #5
    *** HOLE CARDS ***
    Dealt to julesdAA [8c Ac]
    Jogador folds
    tthatsme27 folds
    scrappy820 raises to 100,000
    julesdAA raises to 881,067, and is all in
    scrappy820 calls 321,773, and is all in
    julesdAA shows [8c Ac]
    scrappy820 shows [Ah 2h]
    Uncalled bet of 459,294 returned to julesdAA
    Jogador: cala a boca ae
    *** FLOP *** [7s 9d 3d]
    *** TURN *** [7s 9d 3d] [Ks]
    *** RIVER *** [7s 9d 3d Ks] [2s]
    julesdAA shows Ace King high
    scrappy820 shows a pair of Twos
    scrappy820 wins the pot (863,546) with a pair of Twos
    *** SUMMARY ***
    Total pot 863,546 | Rake 0
    Board: [7s 9d 3d Ks 2s]
    Seat 1: Jogador folded before the Flop
    Seat 5: tthatsme27 (button) folded before the Flop
    Seat 7: scrappy820 (small blind) showed [Ah 2h] and won (863,546) with a pair of Twos
    Seat 9: julesdAA (big blind) showed [8c Ac] and lost with Ace King high

    in 4th right now
  • sometimes it gets to the point where you just have to LOL ^^
  • yah honestly, 3rd for $800 gg
  • jdAA88 wrote: »
    yah honestly, 3rd for $800 gg

    nh sir
  • currently 5 of 8 in $11 KO cheeseburger donkament, 1400 of em for first!
  • jdAA88 wrote: »
    currently 5 of 8 in $11 KO cheeseburger donkament, 1400 of em for first!

  • 7/10 final party poker 10k speed rebuy

    ats < q6o took 9th, made a stupid continuation bet to lose half my stack 2 hands earlier.
  • 5/9 in the 30R on FTP. Some monies for first.
  • AWESOME. 6th for like 1500.

    Full Tilt Poker Game #19431850544: $25,000 Guarantee (Rebuy) (147951072), Table 13 - 3000/6000 Ante 750 - No Limit Hold'em - 2:01:00 ET - 2010/03/21
    Seat 2: JCSeelbach (186,208)
    Seat 4: Wetts1012 (118,402)
    Seat 5: Roothlus (207,138)
    Seat 6: lpap (121,788)
    Seat 7: mymuckyourluck (507,179)
    Seat 8: Billy Slater1 (145,785)
    JCSeelbach antes 750
    Wetts1012 antes 750
    Roothlus antes 750
    lpap antes 750
    mymuckyourluck antes 750
    Billy Slater1 antes 750
    Roothlus posts the small blind of 3,000
    lpap posts the big blind of 6,000
    The button is in seat #4
    *** HOLE CARDS ***
    Dealt to Wetts1012 [Kh Kd]
    crackbackkilla (Observer): JCS?
    mymuckyourluck has 15 seconds left to act
    mymuckyourluck folds
    Billy Slater1 folds
    JCSeelbach folds
    Wetts1012 raises to 16,555
    Roothlus folds
    lpap raises to 121,038, and is all in
    Wetts1012 calls 101,097, and is all in
    lpap shows [Ac Qs]
    Wetts1012 shows [Kh Kd]
    Uncalled bet of 3,386 returned to lpap
    *** FLOP *** [7c Qh As]
    *** TURN *** [7c Qh As] [Qd]
    *** RIVER *** [7c Qh As Qd] [3s]
    lpap shows a full house, Queens full of Aces
    Wetts1012 shows two pair, Kings and Queens
    lpap wins the pot (242,804) with a full house, Queens full of Aces
    lpap: BAM
    Wetts1012 stands up
    *** SUMMARY ***
    Total pot 242,804 | Rake 0
    Board: [7c Qh As Qd 3s]
    Seat 2: JCSeelbach folded before the Flop
    Seat 4: Wetts1012 (button) showed [Kh Kd] and lost with two pair, Kings and Queens
    Seat 5: Roothlus (small blind) folded before the Flop
    Seat 6: lpap (big blind) showed [Ac Qs] and won (242,804) with a full house, Queens full of Aces
    Seat 7: mymuckyourluck folded before the Flop
    Seat 8: Billy Slater1 folded before the Flop
  • I got there just in time to see that.

    gg Wetts.
  • LOL 2 CPF donks at the same final table.

    1/9 in an $11 variance reducer on FTP.

    JCardz here too. GLGL.

    Horray for CHeeseburgers!
  • Got pretty much owned HU by some guy from France. 2nd for 800.
  • I highly doubt you're actually real, wow, gg
  • weeeeeeeeeeeeeee final table in the freezeout on titan

  • weeeeeeeee aa and ak back to back, knocked out another person, 7 left!!!!
  • still 7 left, break, about tied for shortstack with 2 others, lost a lil bit........
  • aa in bb and no fucking action grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

    6 left and me shortstack :(
  • weeeeeee double up a7 suited vs 44, i hit a ace, still short stack though
  • out in 5th out of 450. too card dead at the end, 2 others were getting all the hands, but it has been awhile since a final table of a mtt so happy about that, and 22x my buy in even if only a micro:)

    1945% ROI if anyone was wondering lololololol
    22nd time in top 20 and 8th final table of a mtt>>>>>> meh brag! :p

    Do you want me to teach you how to final table Richard :P:P

    kidding kidding..........:)
  • philliivey wrote: »
    out in 5th out of 450. too card dead at the end, 2 others were getting all the hands, but it has been awhile since a final table of a mtt so happy about that, and 22x my buy in even if only a micro:)

    1945% ROI if anyone was wondering lololololol
    22nd time in top 20 and 8th final table of a mtt>>>>>> meh brag! :p

    Do you want me to teach you how to final table Richard :P:P

    kidding kidding..........:)

    how much though mesa not know!?
  • philliivey wrote: »
    out in 5th out of 450. too card dead at the end, 2 others were getting all the hands, but it has been awhile since a final table of a mtt so happy about that, and 22x my buy in even if only a micro:)

    1945% ROI if anyone was wondering lololololol
    22nd time in top 20 and 8th final table of a mtt>>>>>> meh brag! :p

    Do you want me to teach you how to final table Richard :P:P

    kidding kidding..........:)

    congrats, nice score!
  • philliivey wrote: »
    out in 5th out of 450. too card dead at the end, 2 others were getting all the hands, but it has been awhile since a final table of a mtt so happy about that, and 22x my buy in even if only a micro:)

    1945% ROI if anyone was wondering lololololol
    22nd time in top 20 and 8th final table of a mtt>>>>>> meh brag! :p

    Do you want me to teach you how to final table Richard :P:P

    kidding kidding..........:)

    Sigh, you probably should do that sometime ^^'

    Nice score there
  • $20 + 2 NLHE.

    286 entrants
    36 paid

    I am sitting at the final 6 in 4th spot. Just got it in good with my QQ vs KJ for 50k pot and the board thew up a wheel for a split pot. right now, guaranteed $286........
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