BCC Winter Classic entry coin

Interested in purchasing entry into the $500 or $1000
events. If you have a coin you want to part with, shoot
me an email.


  • FalkyBones wrote: »
    Interested in purchasing entry into the $500 or $1000
    events. If you have a coin you want to part with, shoot
    me an email.

    My understanding is these seat are both non-refundable and have a non-transfer clause.

    Prophet 22
  • They are transferable.......I have sold already,.....Now may work trip is cancelled and I would like to buy also

  • My friend bought the $500 seat voucher from BCC and it is non-transferable. Only the $1,000 and $1,500 seat coins are transferable.
    My understanding is these seat are both non-refundable and have a non-transfer clause.
  • are these events sold out?
  • IM-ON-TILT wrote: »
    are these events sold out?

    The $500 event is sold out, and there is currently a waiting list.

    There are no further seats being sold for the $1,000 tourney. The only way you can get one is to play the multi-table satellite, where they give $1,500 seats, and a $1,000 seat if the prize pool allows.

    ie. today, they gave away 3 $1,500 seats and 1 $1,000 seat (in addition to two cash prizes for 5th and 6th). I finished 11th, so I was just a bit short.

  • I know of folks who want to sell their coins for 1,000 and 1,500 events.

    One guy is selling them as a combo for 2400.

    Another guy may sell them separately. He is selling either for $1200. The reason is that the $1000 are in short supply whereas you can still buy a $1500.

    Shoot me a PM if you want me to coordinate.

  • I am heading up tomorrow but will PM you when I get back if I don't pick one up there. Thanks for the info Magi.
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